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Signal Analysis is a versatile tool for analysing signals and creating block diagrams.
Signals can be annotated and stored efficiently in ASZ files.
Import from: Excel, CSV, DCDAT, ASC, MES, SQL.
Export to: Excel, MATLAB, CSV.
Read more and download on www.signal.software
The lifetime monitoring system (LTM) is deployed on-site at combined cycle power plants and uses real-time process measurements of the HRSG to feed the algorithms that estimate creep and low-cycle fatigue damage of selected components.
The system consists of a server with OPC-DA and OPC-HDA connections to the DCS.
Download leaflet here LTM.pdf
Welds is a tool to quickly but accurately determine the total length of welds to be made on-site.
The desktop app has an intuitive user interface with interactive 3D graphics which can be exported as DXF file.
With Vibes engineers can analyse flow-induced vibration phenomena like vortex shedding, turbulent buffeting, and fluidelastic instability (whirling) that can manifest inside HRSGs due to gas turbine exhaust gases flowing past tube bundles.
Vibes has advanced PDF reporting capabilities.
Annotated frequency graphs can be created and exported to image files or included into the report.
The context-aware help system can be invoked from different parts of the tool to show the relevant topic.
As part of the HRSG dynamic simulation software, a transient pipe flow numerical algorithm is developed and implemented that describes the process of water evaporation.
It features accurate equations-of-state for both the flue gas mixtures as well as the inside water-steam (IF97) and state-of-the-art outside and inside heat transfer correlations.
To analyse results, an interactive 3D layered animation tool is developed.
NDS is a platform developed in MATLAB/Simulink for dynamic simulation of HRSGs to analyse system integration, control optimisation, start-up and shutdown procedures, lifetime analyses, and reduction of emissions.
This platform consists of an advanced graphical user interface with features including simulation progress and control, and numerous post processing tools.
Download flyer here NDS.pdf
SVS is a sizing tool for steam vent silencers.
It supports different unit systems and updates side- and top-view graphics directly from user input.
Furthermore, it can generate a detailed PDF report with tables and graphics which can be sent by e-mail directly from the tool.
Groeidiagram is a replacement for the official print diagrams used for recording child growth.
It provides a lot more accuracy.
Read more on www.groeidiagram.software
IF97 is the Industrial Formulation by the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam.
We released our water & steam thermodynamic properties Java library to the public domain, under GNU Lesser General Public License, that is, free for any product to use and redistribute.
Even proprietary software developers can use our library.
Shown 2D and 3D graphs are made with in-house developed software.
Read more on www.if97.software
Mechanical properties for all materials of the ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code, section II, part D (metric), can be retrieved from our Java library.
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